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Sambi Alieu Published 5 years ago in Podcasts

Episode 002: Power of Thoughts

On this episode we will be diving into one of the most power vehicles for your frequency shift, your thoughts! Everyday the average human goes through about 60,000 thoughts! That's a total of 60,000 vibrations that are either watering your growth or taking you towards a path of complete self-destruction! The good news is we always have a choice, at any given time we can choose to switch our thoughts to align with what we want to manifest, and in this episode I'll show you exactly how you can begin to align your thoughts through the use of positive affirmations.

If you enjoy today's episode make sure to tell a friend and leave a comment below, or on any of my social media pages @SambiAlieu.

Thank you again for taking this journey with me. I can't wait to hear from you!
Peace, Love, & Light


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